A completley digital automotive UXUI interface for a self driving car. In order to create an interface that was both user-friendly and safe, it was essential to keep in mind the driver/user's needs and what features enhance their experience while they are driving. 
While at time it was difficult to get caught up in aesthetically pleasing features of the infotainment system, it challenged me to create a balanced, clean, minimal design that conveniently displayed lots of important information on a small space. I combatted the lack of physical buttons by assessing the user's needs , to better understand what is essential or necessary for quick access while driving. This ultimately showed me to find further solutions that would also ensure that accessibility and usability of the interface was easy, while establishing an emotional connection with the users through integrating personal aspects and features that reflected the user's experience. 

Tools: iMovie, Figma, Photoshop
April, 2023